"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

— Nelson Mandela
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

— Nelson Mandela

More About Me

So, he insisted that I study economics instead of psychology. At the time, a background in economics was considered a more respectable profession with room for advancement. In his own way, my father had tried to help me to choose a path to success. But I was unable and unwilling to understand his reasoning. I wanted to do something different with my life and I resented him for not understanding me. We had many shouting matches about it and this ugly feeling between us lasted well after my schooling.

Finally, I was able to make peace with my father and have a good relationship with him until his death. I also realized that even though economics wasn’t my choice, my father had done me a great service by insisting that I study it because economics allowed me to understand the world of business.

My relationship with my father also helped me to understand the importance of forgiving yourself and others so you can move beyond things that are affecting your happiness. Today, because of what I learned through my experiences, I can relate to others who may have gone through similar struggles on their way to the life that they desire.

My Entrepeneurial Journey

I earned my Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Groningen . Soon, I found myself easily climbing the corporate ladder. Eventually, I worked as a Co-Founder and General Manager for a software development & production company that produced high-impact solutions for crucial societal issues, such as housing, healthcare, and education; I was a Co-Founder, Co-Owner, and Managing Director for a project development company developing housing projects in a wide spectrum of price categories; I was a Co-Founder, Co-Owner with an online presence for national and multinational companies and organizations; I was Owner of an HR consultancy/management recruitment company that provided services to international firms and organizations; and I worked in management for a national healthcare organization for young children. I also taught courses in economics for some time. Through it all, I worked as an entrepreneur most of my professional working life.

Waking Up

In between working, I also got married, started a family, and began to think I had achieved all that a person could hope for in a lifetime. But there was something still missing. And this feeling continued with me until the day an incident occurred in my life which demanded that I look closely at the feeling I had tried to ignore for a long time.

One day, while on vacation with my family, I was lost deep in my own thoughts. I was walking along the road and nearly walked in front of an oncoming bus. If it weren’t for my wife pulling me back to the safety of the sidewalk, I may not be here today to talk about it. This near-miss accident was a life-altering moment for me. It caused me to take a serious look in the mirror and confront the pain of living an unfulfilled life that I had been feeling for some time. This incident became a catalyst in my life and helped me to change my perspective about my life. It helped me to understand that each “mistake” I felt that I had made was in fact a learning moment and an opportunity for growth.

Embarking On A New Journey

After a substantial amount of study and soul searching, I accepted the invitation to join a highly regarded coaching program and community ( ) and to become a professional life- and business coach.

I now know more about how I created successes and failures in business and my personal life- and how to overcome the obstacles. I also have come to realize, that having everything in terms of money and possessions doesn't make up for losing yourself in the process.

This doesn't mean that it's not important to gain success and achieve financial freedom as well, but the way I did it took too much out of me. I am still in business, but with a different awareness now.

    My Coaching

    Through my own life experiences, combined with my entrepreneurial background, and backed by my QSCA Life Coach Certification, I can help you change your perspective about what’s possible in life. Discover how to redefine your success and become a more conscious creator of your own life. So, if you are feeling less than fulfilled, I can guide you in finding a truer purpose for your life, and to have a more genuine connection with others. If you’re ready to start creating the life you truly want, would like to know more about my service, or simply want to talk, contact me today to book a free consultation.
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    ― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

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    Copyright © 2021-2023. All rights reserved.