My Entrepeneurial Journey
I earned my Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Groningen . Soon, I found myself easily climbing the corporate ladder. Eventually, I worked as a Co-Founder and General Manager for a software development & production company that produced high-impact solutions for crucial societal issues, such as housing, healthcare, and education; I was a Co-Founder, Co-Owner, and Managing Director for a project development company developing housing projects in a wide spectrum of price categories; I was a Co-Founder, Co-Owner with an online presence for national and multinational companies and organizations; I was Owner of an HR consultancy/management recruitment company that provided services to international firms and organizations; and I worked in management for a national healthcare organization for young children. I also taught courses in economics for some time. Through it all, I worked as an entrepreneur most of my professional working life.
Waking Up
In between working, I also got married, started a family, and began to think I had achieved all that a person could hope for in a lifetime. But there was something still missing. And this feeling continued with me until the day an incident occurred in my life which demanded that I look closely at the feeling I had tried to ignore for a long time.
One day, while on vacation with my family, I was lost deep in my own thoughts. I was walking along the road and nearly walked in front of an oncoming bus. If it weren’t for my wife pulling me back to the safety of the sidewalk, I may not be here today to talk about it. This near-miss accident was a life-altering moment for me. It caused me to take a serious look in the mirror and confront the pain of living an unfulfilled life that I had been feeling for some time. This incident became a catalyst in my life and helped me to change my perspective about my life. It helped me to understand that each “mistake” I felt that I had made was in fact a learning moment and an opportunity for growth.